Organize Your Manuals and User-Guides

Photo printer
Where’s the manual to my photo printer?

Are your product manuals stored in various places around your home, thus making it time consuming and difficult to find one if you need it?

Here are TWO TIPS on what to do with all those manuals:

TIP # 1 – I used to keep manuals in drawers in the kitchen, in the office, and in the basement. If I had a problem with an appliance or an electronic gadget, I wasted time trying to find the correct manual. Keep all your manuals in one place (in a binder or file drawer). To find them easily, file your manuals in categories such as appliances, electronics, computers or furniture. Every time you add a new manual, go through and recycle the outdated ones. If you move, be sure to leave the manuals for any kitchen appliances, washer/dryer, garage doors, and anything else you don’t take with you.

TIP # 2 – Take all of your manuals and get rid of them by recycling them. You can access all the information online! If you’re in the need of information about major home appliances, log on to They have gathered the most frequently requested information on home appliances and designed their web site around it. Or, you can go directly to the manufacturers’ website. Create a spreadsheet of all of your appliances and electronic items; including make, model, purchase date and serial number.

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