Seven Days of Organizing TIPS – Day # 6 – ‘Shabby Towels’

DAY # 6 – TIP # 6

Shabby Towels

Do some of your towels look like something the cat dragged in?
I have had some pretty ratty looking towels. Usually, I use them until their terry cloth is pretty bare. And, then it’s time to use them for other purposes; like for dusting the furniture, to clean up spills on the floor, or to line the cat carrier interior for comfortable trips to the vet for my cat.

If your towels are overused and shabby, search the house/apartment for them, and reuse for other purposes like I do. Or, fill a box and deliver it to your local animal shelter to provide comfy resting spots for furry friends. Whenever you purchase new towels, donate an equal amount of old ones. You can also donate the old towels to be used as rags to your local GoodWill type organizations.

What do you do with your old towels?

If you live in the Boston area, and would like a FREE 1/2 hour telephone consultation to discuss your clutter issues, contact me at [email protected]

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