Get Organized February Month
During Get Organized February Month, I encourage you to follow this Clutter-Free February calendar challenge. Mark the following challenge in your calendar under the FEBRUARY page. It’s really simple!
- On the first day of the month, get rid of one piece of clutter.
- On day two, let go of two pieces of clutter.
- Day three, get rid of three things.
- On day four, give or throw away four things.
By day 28 (last day of February) Get Organized February Month, you’ll be removing 28 things that you do not need. Be sure to put a check or an X for each calendar day you complete.
During this process, you may be intimidated when you reach those ‘double digits’. How can you decide what to choose, and actually get rid of so much stuff? Look through your drawers, closets, and cabinets and you’ll find old clothes, broken pens, unneeded papers, junk mail, items to recycle, and much more!
So, for Get Organized February Month, try this challenge and let me know how it goes!
If you’d like a FREE half hour telephone Consultation, regarding:
Virtual Organizing, https://clutterclearercoach.com/virtual-organizing/or a one hour Personal Coaching session virtually to address your clutter issues or personal goals:
Contact me at [email protected]
or 857-919-4735
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