EXCESSIVE CLUTTER and how it affects your life

Does having too much clutter affect your life in a negative way?

Clutter can be defined as things you do not use or need, untidy or disorganized things, too many things in too small a space, and anything left unfinished.

Excessive clutter can affect your life in some of the following ways:

• Can keep you from inviting people to your home
• Keeps you from being close to others

• Can cause feelings of embarrassment, shame or guilt that holds you back.
• Clutter drains your energy. Items that are not used or cared for hold stagnant energy.

Low Self Esteem:
• Not being able to stay organized can cause you to feel bad about yourself; thinking that you don’t have the skills that other people have.

• When you can’t find something, or want to clear the clutter but can’t seem to do so, your stress levels rise.

Money issues:
• You buy duplicates because you can’t locate the original item you purchased.
• Bills that are paid late as they are hidden beneath clutter
• Compulsive buying via credit cards
• Spending money by moving to a larger home in order to store more stuff
• Spending money to rent storage units

• Not being able to locate things
• Having too much stuff sucks up your time
• Too much stuff leads to procrastination and being late

If you can relate to this post, contact the ClutterClearerCoach.com for a
free half hour telephone consultation to discuss your organizing needs.

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