Reduce Coupon Chaos


If you collect coupons, you know they can get out of control. It’s easy to cut them out and collect them with good intentions of getting a bargain. But, do you put them in a pile that gets lost in the clutter, or put them aside in a designated spot that you forget to look at periodically?

Look around and find your coupons. You probably won’t be surprised to find that some, or most of them are out of date. I certainly forget about my coupons at times. Recycle any that have expired. Then, quick-sort the coupons that are still useable into categories such as food items, health and beauty, restaurant, clothing, office supplies, etc.. Put each category in a labeled envelope or fasten with a paper clip.

Be sure to keep your organized coupons in one particular area at home or in the office so they are easily accessible when you need them. And, check them often. We all love saving money and getting a good deal!

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