Do You Have a Clutter Problem?

You know you do when:
  • It’s hard to part with items and clothing that you don’t use
  • Your closets are filled to the brim and overflowing
  • Stacks of newspapers and magazines are piled sky high
  • You are embarrassed or ashamed to invite people over
  • Your stuff is hindering your ability to function
  • Your clutter controls you

You’d like to get organized without any help but:

  • You just don’t know where to begin
  • Anxiety, shame, fear, procrastination are some of your road blocks
  • You may not be at the stage where you are ready to let go.

If you are ready; some tips for you to get organized on your own:

  • This process can be anxiety provoking, so TAKE BABY STEPS
  • Select one specific area you would like to un-clutter in your home or office such as the surface of a coffee table, or the top of the file cabinet.
  • Take the items off that surface and sort them into five separate piles. Categorize the piles as: recycle, throw away, give away, charity, keep.
  • Label five grocery sized bags, or plastic kitchen trash bags with the titles: RECYCLE, THROW AWAY, GIVE AWAY, CHARITY, KEEP.
  • Once you’ve got the items into sorted piles, go through each item and ask yourself:  Do I need this?  Do I love this? Will I really use this?  Am I willing to recycle it, throw or give it away?  As you make your decisions, put each item into the appropriate bag, and then distribute the items to their appropriate place.
  • Be sure to reward yourself for taking these baby steps!

Continuing the organizing process:

  • If this process was doable and not anxiety provoking, keep choosing small areas in your home or office and repeat the steps until you have cleaned up the clutter.
  • If it is difficult for you to even take the first step, think about contacting a Professional Organizer in your vicinity to help you let go and get organized.
If you live in the Boston area, and would like a FREE 1/2 hour telephone consultation to discuss your clutter issues, contact me at [email protected]

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