organized closet

‘Chaotic Clothe’s Closet’ – TIPS for Organizing

Is your closet a jumble of clothes that are disorganized on the clothing rods? Here are some ideas to change a chaotic clothing closet into a more organized closet.

Before I made some order out of my clothes in my own closet, I was very frustrated finding something I wanted to wear; particularly if I was in a hurry. A while back, I decided to arrange all of my hanging clothing in a color coded fashion. Kind of like a full spectrum rainbow. I put all the black clothing on the right part of the hanging rod. Then the grey’s to the left of the blacks. The next color-by-number sections were the purples and dark blues. Light blue clothing was hung next, followed by reds, oranges, and then whites. The closet looked pretty as a rainbow after it rains, and it still does.

You can also group your clothing by type and then by color within the type. eg: Place all blouses and shirts together and then sort by color order, then the pants in another color grouping, etc…

Or, you can choose to group all types of clothing together regardless of their color. Pants with pants, skirts with skirts, but staggered so you can distinguish between the groups.

You can also sort your closet by garment type. Do this by grouping work clothes, dressy clothes, casual clothes and sports clothes.

Organizing your clothes closet can result in less chaos and an easier time locating your clothes; thus simplifying your life. Just, be sure you stick to one method!

Let me know which method you use to organize your clothes closet.

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to discuss your clutter issues, contact me at:
[email protected] or 857-919-4735

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