Corona Virus and Calming Meditation


Declutter mind Meditative rocks

Learn more about the Corona virus and calming meditation in this post.

I have re-posted this information because meditation can always be helpful in staying calm and freer from stress.

Out of an abundance of caution and the public health recommendation for social distancing, you are most likely having to stay home to help prevent the spread of the Corona virus pandemic; from others and from yourself.

Coming up with indoor activities in addition to reading, watching TV, listening to Pod Casts, cooking or cleaning can be challenging, so be creative and figure out some new activities to keep you occupied. One thing to do of course, is to take some steps to let go of clutter and get organized.

And, if you are experiencing anxiety and fear, meditating can help calm your mind. 

Take time each day to sit quietly on your own, perhaps listening to soothing music or a guided meditation. Choosing the same time each day, whether morning or evening, sets a pattern for you to follow. If you haven’t meditated before, begin by sitting quietly for one minute, (until you can do so for a longer amount of time). Take some slow deep breaths in and out. Listen to your breathing, listen to the sounds around you, and feel the air on your skin. Even this short amount of time can bring you into the moment, freeing you from anxiety.

If you were already going to a meditation group, the group leaders may offer on-line sessions via Zoom.

The on-line website or free APP, ‘Insight Timer’, offers numerous musical and guided meditations for people from all over the world to meditate to. For myself, I find it even more helpful during these uncertain times to put on my over-the-ear head microphones so I can listen to Insight Timer guided meditations or music, and focus on breathing, and being in the moment.

Do you have a meditation practice for these times? If not, I highly recommend you give it a try using any method you find works best for you. My blog readers and I would love to hear how meditating helps you clear your mind and ease your fear and anxiety. Learn more about the Corona virus and calming meditation by contacting me directly.

If you live in the Boston area, and would like a
FREE 1/2 hour phone consultation
to discuss your clutter issues, contact me at:
[email protected]

Read more of my blog posts here. Learn more about the Coronavirus from the CDC website and the website.


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