New Years 2021- ‘Waste Not, Want Not’

New Years 2021 – ‘Waste Not, Want Not’

– In British English, to clarify, this saying was said to advise someone not to waste anything, because they might need it in the future.

Does this saying sound familiar to you? In the future, will you really need and use all of the things you’ve saved?

New Years 2021 - 'Waste Not, Want Not' New Years 2021 – ‘Waste Not, Want Not’ – Attic Clutter

How about – ‘Waste not, want not’ but you won’t be able to get into the attic. (Anonymous)

One of your New Year’s 2021 – ‘Waste Not Want Not’ resolutions could be:

‘Waste not, but keep only the things you will really use!’
What do you hold on to that you think you might need someday?

– For example, a magazine from 2003 with an article about one’s need for calcium? 2021 medical and scientific studies will most likely have updated information.
– Secondly, a scrap of paper that has the address of someone you had a falling out with, and will never see again? Recycle this useless paper scrap.
– Likewise, a tape cassette you recorded 15 years ago but didn’t label? Either throw it out, or listen to it to determine if the music or text is still relevant. If not, then toss it.
– Or, for instance, a gift you do not like or want, given to you by a former workmate? Who you know you won’t be in contact with again? Give the gift away to charity.

Think about the reasons and emotions behind your need to continue to hold on to this stuff.

If the item is truly nostalgic and from someone close to you that has died, perhaps keeping it is worthwhile. Otherwise, make that New Year’s resolution to let go. Get help from a therapist or professional organizer if you struggle with these decisions.

Letting go of old clutter will give you peace of mind, more control over your life, and easy access to the things you truly need and use.

So, will your New Years 2021 – ‘Waste Not, Want Not’ resolution stay the same? 

Or will your new resolution be: ‘Let Go for the New Year’. 

I’d love to hear from you about your 2016 Getting Rid of Clutter resolutions.


If you’d like a FREE half hour telephone Consultation, information on Virtual Organizing,

or a one hour Personal Coaching session for $75.00 via telephone or Zoom to address your clutter issues or personal goals, please:

Contact me at [email protected]
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